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Tin Scrap Recycling (Sn) Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2006-05-26.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.
Tin Reclamation (Sn) : WANTED TO BUY


Solder Dross .
Solder Dross shall contain high tin solder droppings and skimmings from solder etch plating operations.

Listing ID: LW663181
To view contact information to this listing,

Quantity Units Frequency
LTL lots
under 40,000
lbs Ongoing
Price Funds Per Unit
0.38 USD lbs

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 624 ) DATE
LW671211 Wanted Block Tin. 2006-07-10 12:35:00
LW670638 Wanted Block Tin. 2006-07-06 07:31:00
LA669314 Available Tin UBC bundles. 2006-06-28 05:11:00
LW668178 Wanted Tin Cans Scrap in Bundles form . 2006-06-22 02:45:00
LA667799 Available Tin UBC bundles. 2006-06-20 05:28:00
LW666197 Wanted Other Tin Scrap . 2006-06-12 11:05:00
LW663746 Wanted Pewter. 2006-05-30 01:40:00
LW663745 Wanted Solder Dross. 2006-05-30 01:38:00
LW663181 Wanted Solder Dross . 2006-05-26 03:58:00
LA659023 Available electrolythic tin cans. 2006-05-07 03:46:00
LA656115 Available Tinplate Fresh Cuttings post-canmaking. 2006-04-24 08:43:00
LA655456 Available Other Tin Scrap . 2006-04-19 19:42:00
LW650756 Wanted new detining scrap circular. 2006-03-25 22:04:00
LA650426 Available Tin bales. 2006-03-23 16:48:00
LA648021 Available LMS, UBC,Cans Bundles,. 2006-03-11 08:38:00
LA645891 Available Block Tin. 2006-02-28 00:43:00
LA645393 Available Block Tin. 2006-02-25 11:01:00
LW643167 Wanted Tin Scrap . 2006-02-14 12:50:00
LA642280 Available empty paint cans. 2006-02-09 10:06:00
LW638404 Wanted Other Tin Scrap . 2006-01-18 20:46:00
LW638388 Wanted Detining Can Scrap. 2006-01-18 20:11:00
LW638149 Wanted any recoverable Tin scrap. 2006-01-17 23:37:00
LA635662 Available Virgin and High Sn Scrap Tin Cans. 2006-01-04 19:17:00
LA635155 Available Pressed Bundled Tincans. 2006-01-02 18:37:00
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